Within the last couple of months, the readership of this blog has experienced tremendous growth. During today’s strategic planning meeting, the consultant asked us how big we want to be. We all agreed that we want to be really big. So, we brainstormed growth ideas. After four hours of talking, we came up with three things:
First, the blog should use easier words. For example, in this post I called Ken Adams “odious.” This is a tough word for some. In the future, I’ll use the word “asshole.”
Second, we should increase visibility through the use of billboards. Until now, UCF Loves Money hasn’t done much with marketing. If we invest in billboards, we will really increase our readership. We are going to hire a consultant to find us good spots for our billboards.
Third, we should make more jokes about the Provost’s height. For some inexplicable reason, these posts are money in the bank. We are going to hire a consultant to write some good jokes about little Terry Hickey.
The consultant will be back tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be as productive as today.