From the Provost (emphasis mine):
This fall the University of Central Florida is introducing a new potential conflict of interest and commitment system for full-time benefits-accruing faculty. You will receive an e-mail notification on September 21, 2009, prompting you to complete your Potential Outside Activity/Employment and Conflict of Interest/Commitment Faculty Report (AA-21). Directions for completing this report will accompany the e-mail as will a list of recommended items to have available at the time you begin your submission.
The new reporting system is designed to better assist faculty with reporting potential conflicts related to outside activities. Faculty should make certain that any outside activities they are involved in do not create a conflict of interest or undermine the confidence that the public has in the university.
If you are going to threaten someone, make sure it’s veiled. Oh Terry, you are just a sinister little fucker, aren’t you? Why do you hate dissent so much? Are you that insecure? Do you know why this blog is rude particularly towards you and John? Because you and Johnny see dissent as an excommunicable offense. You don’t punish incompetence. You don’t punish waste. You don’t punish fraud. But if someone doesn’t drink the Kool-Aid and tell you how great your “vision” is then you do everything within your power to fuck them over.
Well, fuck you, Terry. I don’t want your Kool-Aid. And I don’t want to undermine the public’s confidence in UCF. I want to undermine the public’s confidence in UCF’s current leadership. That includes you, asshole.
What would the public see if they looked hard at what Hitt and to a lesser extent you have done? They would see a school where most get good grades. These good grades are not earned but the result of the tremendous pressure you and John have put on departments to increase graduates and student credit hours.
If the public kept looking what else would they see? They would see leadership that treats debate as an opportunity to lie. They would see highly paid administrators that serve no purpose. They would see ethical failures.
Right now the public is apathetic towards UCF. If they looked hard, they would be disgusted. You are afraid of that, aren’t you?