Diane Chase in her Interim Provost Update:
UCF has been dealing with state-mandated budget reductions for quite some time. Unfortunately, it appears that we may see more cuts to our state budget in the 2010-11 fiscal year.
In anticipation of these potential cuts, 2010-11 E&G budgets will be reduced by three percent, effective immediately. This action permits departments to make the necessary budget adjustments now, rather than in mid-year when cuts would be more difficult to manage.
From a reader:
How outrageous for our administrators to accept bonuses (including bonuses for previous years PLUS INTEREST)? Then to announce that they have to cut budgets? When did admin ever cut its budget? Why is it only ever the instructional budgets that are cut?
I have no info to add. Just angry about Diane's announcement today. Though I guess she wasn't on the wall of shame for getting a bonus, she is surely raking in the dough regularly.
From another reader:
Did you see this already?
The interim evil gnome is squawking from below a slimy rock...Gotta love this honest-to-sliminess-promise: "The holdback represents about $7 million and will be applied equally to all academic and administrative departments.", Yeah, right, Diane - just like last time when we 'had to' do layoffs of a bunch of long term faculty - but we were told that absolutely and certainly the same layoffs would happen among the administrators too (cause they are so easy to lay off since they aren't protected by any pesky tenure or collective bargaining rules - which you fucking try to break at every turn anyway...) And guess what, not a single administrator has been laid off - but a bunch of you fuckers got yourself some hefty bonuses.
So how do Terry's kneepads fit, Diane?