Tuesday, September 11, 2007

UCF Employee Loves Money

David Mealor has two jobs. He is an Associate Vice President for UCF’s Regional Campuses, and he is a Representative in the Florida Legislature. Recently, it was brought to the attention of UCF that when the legislature has been in session, and thus Mealor wasn’t doing any work for UCF, that UCF was still paying him his full-time salary. So, Mealor, who is resigning his legislative post, has to pay UCF back about 75 grand. He’s already paid back ten grand.

The above is what you can read in the newspaper. Here’s the inside scoop. First, Mealor was busted by a former UCF employee that hates his guts in part because Mealor chaired a search committee that denied this employee a promotion. Second, everybody knew that Mealor was double dipping. This was tacitly approved by the UCF administration because they love money and wanted Representative Mealor to bring the pork home to UCF. Third, nobody seems to believe that Mealor didn’t know he was stealing from UCF, and that the punishment for a thief should be more than having to give back what wasn’t his in the first place.