Friday, February 29, 2008

Union Busting Time?

Terry Hickey would like to break the faculty union at UCF, and he might have an opportunity to do it with his disciplinary decision towards the odious Ken Adams. A university panel has recommended that Adams be disciplined, but not fired, for keeping sexually explicit pictures on his computer, creating a hostile work environment (i.e., other UCF employees were able to see the pictures), and yelling at UCF employees in a demeaning and physically threatening manner.

Recently, disciplinary action has been a point of contention between the faculty union and the administration. Hickey could decide to fire Adams even though Adams is a tenured professor. Tenure is critical for academic freedom from the administration (especially this UCF administration), but to have to defend the principle in the case of Ken Adams is not going to be an easy road. Whatever happens, I hope Hickey ensures that the victims in this case never have to work with Adams again.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bright Futures is Safe

The BOG backed down from their proposed plan to allow the State Universities to raise tuition and pass the costs to Bright Futures recipients (and everybody else). The cabal that runs UCF won’t admit this publicly, but this news makes them very sad.

Are Hitt and Hickey Readers?

Another reader wants to know if Hitt and Hickey read this blog. I don’t know, but one of the most popular entries for this site is this one where I say that Hickey has short-man complex. I was surprised that this throw-away, iconoclastic comment was more popular than the corruption posts (see here and here).

As an aside, it’s not a good thing to be a short male with power at UCF. Behind your back, people love to laugh at you. With the Hickey comment, I was merely repeating what I’ve heard.


Mike Haridopolos thinks that he can transfer his doctoral coursework from the University of Arkansas to Florida State and finish his Ph.D. within a year. He’s completely clueless. Even a diploma mill like UCF wouldn’t allow him to do this. Um, well, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t.


That’s how one reader described this blog. I suppose that it is, but the brutality is deserved.

This is a good time to explain the Brutality Policy at UCF Loves Money. If you are a high level employee (Assistant Vice President and above or Assistant Dean and above), and you do something particularly stupid, corrupt, or wasteful then you can expect some tough comments.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Welcome Dean Frumkin

UCF has hired a new Dean for the College of Health and Public Affairs, and it looks like he is going to be a good earner:

At Eastern Washington University, he was instrumental in expanding the social work program. Under his leadership, the number of faculty positions nearly tripled, the budget grew by more than 500 percent and the program became a stand-alone school with a stature comparable to a college at UCF…He has also generated more than $25 million in external grants and contracts primarily to support social work education.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Light Blogging This Week

I’m grading midterms so unless Hitt and Hickey hold a press conference to admit that UCF loves money more than a solid education, there won’t be a lot of posts over the next couple of days.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Is the Orlando Sentinel Headline Writer Drunk?

Here’s the headline for their story about proposed legislation that would allow UCF to charge up to a 30 percent tuition premium: New law would let UCF shine with tuition premiums.

Is Lee Constantine Drunk?*

He has introduced a law that would allow UCF to charge up to a 30 percent tuition premium. This wouldn’t be covered by Bright Futures.

*This is funny cause he’s been arrested a couple of times for drinking and driving.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

UF Loves Money

The biggest reason I started this blog was because UCF hired Senator Lynn’s dim daughter (Karen Jans) for 80K a year. UCF did this to secure more funding from the state. I had always hoped that UCF’s crookedness was unique, but this article suggests that UF is also corrupt.

State Senator Mike Haridopolos got hired by UF to teach government classes. They are paying him 75K a year as a lecturer. The average salary for lecturers in the political science department is 40K. Haridopolos doesn’t have a Ph.D. The highest paid lecturer without a Ph.D. in the department earns 27K, but then I’m guessing that person isn’t a state senator. Oh yeah, the faculty, who are normally consulted on new hires, were not consulted on this one. The evidence is clear: UF is bribing Mike Haridopolos.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

John, Go Cut Me a Switch

Dear Governor Crist,

Regarding tuition hikes, you had this to say, “I would rather they didn't do it. I think especially in the economy as it is right now, I don't think families need to be burdened additionally with tuition increases. So I would hope that they would not do so and be more disciplined.”

Governor, UCF has no discipline. They spend like drunken sailors. You have to discipline them. John Hitt needs a daddy. Next time Hitt shows up at your office to kiss your ass and ask you for more, tell him that he may not like the budget cuts, but in time he will see that they are for his own good.

Your Friend,
Arthur Barnhouse

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Game

Do you wonder why UCF and the other state universities do not discuss the possibility of administrative layoffs? There are two reasons. First, administrators protect their own. Second, administrative layoffs wouldn’t negatively impact the student experience. They would just save students and taxpayers money.

Why would UCF want to hurt students? One high level administrator explained to me that because of these budget cuts “UCF wants to leave as many bodies in the street as they can.” If UCF freezes enrollment and lays-off faculty members, this will have a negative impact on students and their parents. This constituent group will then cry to the legislature who will give UCF more money. UCF is run by a bunch of rotten fuckers.

I would be much more amenable to tuition hikes or additional state funding if UCF would make a good faith effort to reduce unnecessary costs. This would involve layoffs of employees that don’t impact the student experience. Let’s leave the bodies of these administrators in the street. Unfortunately, these high level administrators have assistants who, because their bosses have so little work to do, are paid to surf the internet and watch movies. As a practical matter, many of these assistants also need to be let go.

They Always Want More

Take a look at this Orlando Sentinel blogpost. Here's the point I made in the comments:

Notice they said “faculty layoffs”. They should look at administrative layoffs first. At UCF, there are a lot of unnecessary administrators who also have unnecessary assistants.

Happy Valentines Day

I wonder what John Hitt got his money for Valentines Day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sick Leave

Blogging has been light because I’m on sick leave.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Layoff Grant Heston

Check out this article on UCF negotiations with the faculty union. Here’s the short version: the faculty want more money, and UCF won’t give it to them. I’ve got three observations:

First, the faculty pointed out that Hitt gets giant raises. And yes, as UCF likes to incessantly observe, we all know that a big chunk of his salary comes from the UCF Foundation. However, when I get hit up for money from the Foundation they never tell me that my donation will help make Hitt even wealthier. And every time the Foundation channels money into Hitt’s bank account, those are dollars that can’t go towards important things like scholarships. The faculty union should also point out that high level administrators (who are often faculty members) receive much higher raises than regular faculty.

Second, is Grant Heston losing brain cells along with his hairline? He argues that the high student to faculty ratio at UCF (28.8 to 1) isn’t hurting education quality because UCF is getting a record number of applications. Heston argues that if a lot of people (in this case, teenagers) decide to do something then it must be a sound decision. What about all the people who bought Enron stock or, more recently, people who bought houses right before the housing market collapsed? There were a lot of them so they must have made the correct decision. Grant Heston, like so many other administrators, needs to audit a critical thinking class.

Third, if Grant Heston’s job were eliminated, could the University survive? There would be a little less bullshit in world, but the university would run fine without him. With the money that was saved on his salary, UCF could hire one professor or two instructors.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Annual Leave

I’m on Annual Leave today so don’t expect any witty posts trashing the royalty that is the UCF administration.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

BOG Lawsuit is Revived

The BOG is asking the courts to give them the authority to raise tuition. Currently, this authority resides with the state legislature. To increase their funding, UCF bribes legislators. Senator Evelyn Lynn was absolutely torturing UCF with her requests until UCF took Lynn’s daughter off the unemployment line. Obviously, this is a fucked up system.

However, because legislators are somewhat accountable to the public, they won’t go crazy raising tuition. The governor-appointed BOG would be able to more easily raise tuition. That is a frightening prospect because UCF’s great talent is making people believe that they need more funding. And I’m sure that members of the BOG have unemployed children too.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

10 Bucks for a Lousy Fucking Transcript????

Anybody got the skinny on who decided that UCF should double the price it charges students for an official transcript. I’m hoping that someone is willing to come forward with the details (memos and emails are especially helpful) surrounding this decision. Email
Upon request, confidentiality is guaranteed.

Monday, February 4, 2008

This Would Be Funny if I wasn’t a UCF Graduate

When I was writing about UCF’s obsession to give everyone with tuition money a degree, I remembered something that occurred some years ago when UCF was getting ready to award their 100,000th degree. This was an event that was going to get a decent amount of local media coverage. Because a lot of dumbasses graduate from UCF, high level administrators were concerned that the recipient of the 100,000th degree would perform poorly when he/she was interviewed by the media. What was the solution? UCF manipulated who was actually awarded the 100,000th degree and made sure it was someone respectable.

Two Things that Should Happen at UCF When Hitt and Hickey Leave

Emperor Hitt will retire from UCF in a few years. When Hitt leaves, Hickey will probably find other employment. In the unlikely event that the next UCF president isn’t some political hack (e.g., Frank Brogan; Betty Castor; T.K. Wetherell) then I have two recommendations for the new President.

1. Layoff unnecessary high level administrators. Excluding faculty, there are two types of employees at UCF: those who actually perform the day-to-day operations of the university (e.g., physical plant employees; financial aid processors) and “big thinker” employees (e.g., people with offices in Millican Hall). These “big thinker” employees are supposed to schmooze with politicians and the community and come up with ideas that will help UCF grow even larger. These are the employees that should be laid off. They are expensive and often their big ideas just end up being money pits for students, donors, and taxpayers. I could easily develop a list of about twenty employees that could disappear tomorrow, never be replaced, and UCF wouldn’t miss a beat. This could save UCF millions of dollars a year.

2. Reduce current growth by adopting rigorous academic standards. UCF likes to brag about how many degrees they have granted, but the more common a degree then the less valuable it is to the folks who’ve earned it. I saved an old UCF Report where UCF bragged about awarding their 100,000th degree much faster than Clemson did. It didn’t seem to occur to UCF administrators that UCF awarded degrees faster because UCF was an easier school.

I’m not hopeful that the above will ever happen. Still, it is important to articulate what an improvement would be even if an improvement is unrealistic.

Friday, February 1, 2008

All You Need to Know About Provost Hickey

He’s got a short-man complex.