Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Challenge

Regarding the shoe controversy, a reader observes, “I'm waiting for the inevitable, ‘We did everything right, as always’ statement from John Hitt.”

Has Hitt ever admitted to making a mistake? I’m not talking about blaming a subordinate. I’m talking about admitting to an error in judgment. I don’t think he has.

If any reader can provide a documented example of Hitt admitting he erred, then I’ll be happy to publish it and state that I was wrong.

By the way, I have twice admitted to errors (see here and here).

It is Expensive to be Stupid

There is a myth that UCF administrators have a lot of business acumen. The empirical evidence just doesn’t support this notion. From the Orlando Sentinel:

A pair of shoes could end up costing the University of Central Florida nearly $3 million.

UCF promised Marcus Jordan, son of NBA legend Michael Jordan, that he could wear his father's Nike Air Jordan brand for the Knights' basketball team this season.

The problem? UCF has an exclusive $3 million six-year contract with adidas that requires all coaches and athletes to use the company's shoes, apparel and game equipment.

And now UCF and adidas are at an impasse, leaving an 18-year-old freshman with a famous father caught in middle.

A good businessperson is able to anticipate the consequences of a decision. Even if this gets resolved, it should have never gotten to the point of being played out in the media.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Off Topic

Because I’ve developed a readership, I am sometimes tempted to spout off about a variety of things, but I make an effort to stick to the theme of this blog. Still…I’m going to break the rule. From the Orlando Sentinel:

Sophomore Rob Calabrese, who has battled nerves this season, played in relief of Hodges and was booed by fans late in the third quarter.

Booing an amateur athlete is despicable. I guarantee you that this student is a better quarterback than any of the people booing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Certainly Sounds Like UCF

There is a rumor that the UCF foundation has a fundraising priority this year: money for raises for the President and the VPs.

Readers may find it hard to believe, but I want to see the best in people. I hope this isn’t true.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Prima Donna

This is really on UCF’s Institutional Research web page:

Total # of Degrees Awarded

Total # of Degrees Awarded
by President Hitt

Did Hitt request that they make this distinction or is this apple polishing on the part of IR? My guess is the former.

UCF – 194,733 Served*

UCF is the now the biggest university in Florida and the third largest in the country. From President Hitt:

Growth is a part of who we are at the University of Central Florida. Growth, and the change that comes with it, is woven into our university’s DNA.

Ask our students why they came to UCF. It isn’t to stay the same. They came here to grow, to change and to better themselves.

Our university embraces the opportunities and challenges that come with strategic growth, and we welcome students who share our passion for improvement.

As a reader points out:

An atrocious example of equivocation:
growth = improvement
growth = getting bigger

By this logic, my weight has "improved" because I put on 10 pounds! Now I can embrace the opportunity to buy bigger pants and the challenges of heart disease and diabetes!

* Number of degrees awarded by UCF since 1968

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And Hitt will be Santa*

People are justifiably happy about this so I hate to shit on it, but the inconsistency is just too much. From John Hitt:

In light of these successes, I am recommending four paid university holidays for eligible employees from December 28 to 31. These days will be in addition to normal state holidays on Christmas (December 25) and New Year’s Day (January 1). Please talk with your supervisor for more details about how this applies to you.

Earlier this year, because of budget cuts, Hitt was threatening employees with mandatory furloughs. Now, he is giving away free vacation time. Hitt is like one of those horrible parents that loves you in one moment and hates you the next. One moment he’s pawning your bicycle (a metaphor for academic department cuts and threatened furloughs) and the next he’s giving you a PlayStation 3 (a metaphor for the extra vacation time).

* Thanks to a reader for pointing out Hitt’s inconsistency and for the title of this post.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Question of the Day

From a reader:

Are you working on a Halloween column? What do monsters dream of wearing on Halloween – Hickey tall and witty and admired? A combo Hugh Grant/Gordon Gee.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Don’t Fall Taking the Stairs

Here are the two recurring themes in the email from last week.

First, nine-month faculty were temporarily dropped from their health insurance. At least the reason makes a lot of sense:

The Benefits Team wanted to make you aware of an issue with your insurance record. Due to a computer glitch, premiums for October coverage are posting to September, therefore your coverage has been temporarily suspended.

Second, the elevator in Colbourn Hall smells like urine because…well…people piss in it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

John Hitt, Sports Entrepreneur of the Year

Football attendance continues to decline. UCF is stuck with an expensive coach who is unable to win games or, more importantly, get people to buy tickets. In the next few years, the UCF Athletics Association will probably get hit with a large civil judgment. If UCFAA were a stock, I would be shorting the hell out of it.

It is fun to spend other people’s money, and Hitt clearly enjoyed attempting to make the leap into big-time football. He got to buy coaches, facilities, and a stadium. It was a free roll for Hitt. The costly failures of the football program will be covered by students through an increase in the athletic fee.

I’ll see you all at the Memphis game. I’ll be tailgating by VAB and dancing around in a Knightro helmet.