Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cuts of the Day (Without Naming Names)*

UCF has grown a lot in the past ten years. From 1998 to 2008, Fall headcount went from 30,009 to 50,275. This is an increase of 68 percent. You know what has grown faster than UCF enrollment? The number of fancy pants UCF administrators who possess over-rated qualities like vision and leadership. Take a look at the following table which depicts the number of UCF employees in various leadership positions:

Associate VP828
Assistant VP726
Vice Provost06

From 1998 to 2008, enrollment increased 68 percent, but the number of skill-less fucks with fancy titles increased 200 percent. Keep in mind that administrators at this level typically make at least double what the average associate professor earns. If university administrators end up eliminating academic departments but do nothing to reduce their own ranks, then it will be a testament to their absolute indifference to students.

* Thanks to a reader for developing the content of this post. I just added the swear words.