Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Sky is Falling

From the Sentinel:

The University of Central Florida will be forced to cut 330 faculty positions, 190 staff jobs and as many as 25 academic programs if the state eventually orders budget cuts close to the $57 million called for in the House budget proposal, Provost Terry Hickey said today…

"The part people haven't grasped yet is the damage this will do to the state of Florida," Hickey said about cuts to the state's 11 public universities, citing the wage losses that will affect local economies and the departure of faculty to states with more stable funding.

Because Hickey is a midget and predicting the end of the world, it would be easy to think of him as Chicken Little. Be not deceived! Hickey is the fox who eats Chicken Little and all of his friends. Hickey is predicting the most unlikely, extreme scenario. His predictions are so dire because he wants to motivate the public to pressure the legislature to let UCF keep their inefficient empire.