Saturday, April 12, 2008

What You Can Do To Help – The Faculty

Dear Faculty,

Because you are the most important part of UCF, I am glad you have decided to help. I’d like you to do three things:

(1) Start to hold students to higher standards. Simply put, degree completion at UCF has become so easy that the school is starting to lose legitimacy. By developing higher standards in the classroom, graduates will be better prepared for their future, and the value of a UCF degree will increase.

(2) Hold yourself to higher standards and work harder to teach more effectively. There are some really good teachers at UCF, but there are also too many courses that are a complete waste of time and money. It is unfair to students to hold them to a high standard, if you do not also hold yourself to that standard.

(3) Stand up for what is right. As I said to the community, the administrators at UCF are weak and will back down in the face of concerted opposition. If you have not already, consider joining the union. This will make all of you stronger.

The UCF administration sucks. Take comfort in knowing that together you can break them anytime you want.

Arthur Barnhouse